This is one of the doctors and his daughter...who is probably only 4 and rocks on the surf board!We have not encountered too many bugs since we have been here...until yesterday! They all came out at once! I picked Nick up at work at 8pm and came home to our front door covered with bugs AND a lizard, who helped himself into our house! I wasn't quick enough with my camera but it was pretty funny to watch Nick try and catch him!After dinner we took the trash out and on the wall of the apartment complex was the biggest grasshopper creature I have ever seen!! The pictures do not do it justice but it was about the size of my hand maybe larger.
This is my Asian tourist impersonation with the grasshopper monster. Earlier in the evening I was stopped by a group of Japanese tourists down town. They all started yelling at me and pointing to their cameras??! I had my picture taken with three of them! So embarrassing!
Got to love the sunset from our patio!!
Who knew they would have okra in Saipan? Looks yummy!